
Showing posts from October, 2020

App tools

 APK file modding basic tutorial & description. Download video tutorial made by lunadev & watch in it detailed... Click here to download basic modding video tutorial Info:video size 130mb... In English Description or more detailed explanation by my own😉 Usually an APK file contains the following files: 1)AndroidManifest.xml Application manifest file, version number, version name, permissions, application name, application icons, activities, services, broadcasts and other configuration information are in this file. It's like brain to App😅 (we can play with this by changing or deleting or adding some stuff to it) 2)classes.dex Android code file. In the development of Android applications, if the developers write Java codes, the codes will be compiled into many class files, and finally these files are combined into classes.dex file, so most of the java codes of applications are in this file. Some apks with bigger size may contains multiple dex files, such as classes1.dex、cla